Terms of use


By accessing or using BffSquare personals Services, you agree to be bound by this Terms of Use Agreement (the “Terms” or “Agreement”), including our Privacy PolicyCookie PolicyCommunity Guidelines, and Safety Tips, so it is important that you read this Agreement and these policies and procedures carefully before you create an account. 


We may update these Terms from time to time, so check this page regularly for updates.


The terms “us”, “we”, “Company” and/or “BffSquare Personals” refer to MTCH Technology, MG Japan, or BffSquare based on your country of residence. Together you and BffSquare Personals may be referred to as the “Parties” or separately as “Party”. 

As used in this Agreement, the terms "BffSquare," "us," "we," the "Company", and "our" shall refer to BffSquare Personals LLC and/or MTCH Technology Services Limited, as appropriate. Together you and BffSquare may be referred to as the “Parties” or separately as “Party.”

By accessing or using our Services on BffSquare.com/personals(the "Website"), the BffSquare mobile application (the "App"), or any other platforms or services BffSquare may offer (collectively, the "Service" or our "Services"), you agree to, and are bound by this Agreement. This Agreement applies to anyone who accesses or uses our Services, regardless of registration or subscription status.

Your access and use of our Services is also subject to the Privacy PolicyCookie PolicyCommunity Guidelines, and Safety Tipsand any terms disclosed and agreed to by you when you purchase additional features, products, or services from BffSquare ("Additional Terms Upon Purchase"), which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, do not access or use our Services.

Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to modify, amend, or change the Terms at any time. Notice of material changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date. In certain circumstances, we may notify you of a change to the Terms via email or other means; however, you are responsible for regularly checking this page for any changes. Your continued access or use of our Services constitutes your ongoing consent to any changes, and as a result, you will be legally bound by the updated Terms. If you do not accept a change to the Terms, you must stop accessing or using our Services immediately. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any material changes to the Limitation of Liability in Section 14 and the Dispute Resolution provisions in Section 15 below will require your affirmative acceptance.  Further, we reserve the right to change the availability of features in our subscription plans.



    Before you create an account on BffSquare Personals, make sure you are eligible to use our Services. This Section also details what you can and can't do when using the Services, as well as the rights you grant BffSquare Personals.

    You are not authorized to create an account or use the Services unless all of the following are true, and by using our Services, you represent and warrant that:

    1. You are an individual (i.e., not any body corporate, partnership or other business entity) at least 18 years old;

    2. You are legally qualified to enter a binding contract with BffSquare Personals;

    3. You are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a "terrorist supporting" country;

    4. You are not on any list of individuals prohibited from conducting business with the United States (for example, the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or any similar government agency list) nor do you face any other similar prohibition);

    5. You are not prohibited by law from using our Services;

    6. You have not committed, been convicted of, or pled no contest to a felony or indictable offense (or crime of similar severity), a sex crime, or any crime involving violence or a threat of violence, unless you have received clemency for a non-violent crime and we have determined that you are not likely to pose a threat to other users of our Services;

    7. You are not required to register as a sex offender with any state, federal or local sex offender registry;

    8. You do not have more than one account on our Services; and

    9. You have not previously been removed from our Services or our affiliates’ services by us or our affiliates, unless you have our express written permission to create a new account.

    If at any time you cease to meet these requirements, all authorization to access our Services or systems is automatically revoked, and you must immediately delete your account, and we retain the right to remove your access to our Services without warning.

    You agree to:

    1. Comply with these Terms, and check this page from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes;

    2. Comply with all applicable laws, including without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, and regulatory requirements;

    3. Use the latest version of the Website and/or App;

    4. Review the Safety Tips;

    5. Review and comply with the Community Guidelines, as updated from time to time; and

    6. Take reasonable measures to protect the security of your login information.

    You agree that you will not:

    1. Misrepresent your identity, age, or affiliations with a person or entity;

    2. Use the Services in a way that damages the Services or prevents their use by other users;

    3. Use our Services in a way to interfere with, disrupt or negatively affect the platform, the servers, or our Services' networks;

    4. Use our Services for any harmful, illegal, or nefarious purpose, including, but not limited to, using any Virtual Items for purposes of money laundering or other financial crimes;

    5. Harass, bully, stalk, intimidate, assault, defame, harm or otherwise abuse or cause psychological harm;

    6. Post or share Prohibited Content (see below);

    7. Solicit passwords for any purpose, or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users or disseminate another person's personal information without his or her permission;

    8. Solicit money or other items of value from another user, whether as a gift, loan, or form of compensation;

    9. Use another user's account;

    10. Use our Services in relation to fraud, a pyramid scheme, or other similar practice;

    11.  Use our Services in relation to any political campaign financing or for the purpose of influencing any election, other than sharing your own personal political opinions.

    12. Violate the terms of the license granted to you by BffSquare Personals (see Section 6 below). 

    13. Disclose private or proprietary information that you do not have the right to disclose;

    14. Copy, modify, transmit, distribute, or create any derivative works from, any Member Content or Our Content, or any copyrighted material, images, trademarks, trade names, service marks, or other intellectual property, content or proprietary information accessible through our Services without BffSquare Personals's prior written consent;

    15. Express or imply that any statements you make are endorsed by BffSquare Personals;

    16. Use any robot, crawler, site search/retrieval application, proxy or other manual or automatic device, method or process to access, retrieve, index, "data mine," or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of our Services or its contents;

    17. Upload viruses or other malicious code or otherwise compromise the security of our Services;

    18. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of any information transmitted to or through our Services;

    19. "Frame" or "mirror" any part of our Services without BffSquare Personals's prior written authorization;

    20. Use meta tags or code or other devices containing any reference to BffSquare Personals or the platform (or any trademark, trade name, service mark, logo or slogan of BffSquare Personals) to direct any person to any other website for any purpose;

    21. Modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile or otherwise disassemble any portion of our Services, or cause others to do so;

    22. Use or develop any third-party applications that interact with our Services or Member Content or information without our written consent, including but not limited to artificial intelligence or machine learning systems;

    23. Use, access, or publish the BffSquare Personals  application programming interface without our written consent;

    24. Probe, scan or test the vulnerability of our Services or any system or network;

    25. Encourage, promote, or agree to engage in any activity that violates these Terms;

    26. Create a new account after we suspend or terminate your account, unless you receive our express permission; or

    27. Submit a report about a member’s behavior or content that is false, misleading, or otherwise manifestly unfounded, or abuse any BffSquare Personals reporting or appeals request system made available.

    The license granted to you under these Terms and any authorization to access the Services is automatically revoked in the event that you do any of the above.

    Prohibited Content - BffSquare Personals prohibits uploading or sharing content that:

    1. Could reasonably be deemed to be offensive or to harass, abuse or cause psychological distress to another person;

    2. Is obscene, pornographic, violent or contains nudity;

    3. Is abusive, threatening, discriminatory or that promotes or encourages racism, sexism, hatred or bigotry;

    4. Encourages or facilitates any illegal activity including, without limitation, terrorism, inciting racial hatred or the submission of which in itself constitutes committing a criminal offense;

    5. Encourages or facilitates any activity that may result in harm to the user or another person, including, but not limited to, promotion of self-harm, eating disorders, dangerous challenges, violent extremism,

    6. Is defamatory, libelous, or untrue;

    7. Relates to commercial activities (including, without limitation, sales, competitions, promotions, and advertising, solicitation for services, sex work, "sugar daddy" or "sugar baby" relationships, links to other websites or premium line telephone numbers);

    8. Involves or facilitates the transmission of spam;

    9. Contains any spyware, adware, viruses, corrupt files, worm programs or other malicious code designed to interrupt, damage or limit the functionality of or disrupt any software, hardware, telecommunications, networks, servers or

    other equipment, Trojan horse or any other material designed to damage, interfere with, wrongly intercept or expropriate any data or personal information whether from BffSquare Personals or otherwise;

    1. Infringes upon any third party's rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights and privacy rights);

    2. Was not written by you, unless expressly authorized by BffSquare Personals;

    3. Includes the image or likeness of another person without that person's consent (or in the case of a minor, the minor's parent or guardian);

    4. Includes an image or likeness of a minor who is unaccompanied by the minor's parent or guardian or not fully clothed or otherwise depicts or implies a minor engaged in sexual activity; 

    5. Is inconsistent with the intended use of the Services; or 

    6. May harm the reputation of BffSquare Personals or its affiliates, meaning the uploading or sharing of content on the BffSquare Personals platform that is defamatory to BffSquare Personals or its affiliates or advocates misuse of the Service or any service provided by BffSquare Personals’s affiliates.

    The uploading or sharing of content that violates these Terms ("Prohibited Content") may result in the immediate suspension or termination of your account.

  2. 3. CONTENT

    It is important that you understand your rights and responsibilities with regard to the content on our Services, including any content you provide or post. You are expressly prohibited from posting inappropriate content.

    While using our Services, you will have access to: (i) content that you upload or provide while using our Services, even if suggested by our Services ("Your Content"); (ii) content that other users upload or provide while using our Services ("Member Content"); and (iii) content that BffSquare Personals provides on and through our Services ("Our Content"). In this agreement, "content" includes, without limitation, all text, images, video, audio, or other material on our Services, including information on users' profiles and in direct messages between users.

    For additional information on how we moderate content, please see our Safety page for more details.  For additional information on how recommended profiles are ordered, please see the Method Behind our Matching.


    You are responsible for Your Content. Don't share anything that you wouldn't want others to see, that would violate this Agreement, or that may expose you or us to legal liability.

    You are solely responsible and liable for Your Content, and, therefore, you agree to indemnify, defend, release, and hold us harmless from any claims made in connection with Your Content.

    You represent and warrant to us that the information you provide to us or any other user is accurate, including any information submitted through Facebook or other third-party sources (if applicable), and that you will update your account information as necessary to ensure its accuracy.

    The content included on your individual profile should be relevant to the intended use of our Services. You may not upload any Prohibited Content, and your content must further comply with the Community Guidelines. You may not display any personal contact, banking information, or peer-to-peer payment information, whether in relation to you or any other person (for example, names, home addresses or postcodes, telephone numbers, email addresses, URLs, credit/debit card, peer-to-peer payment user name, or other banking details). If you choose to reveal any personal information about yourself to other users, you do so at your own risk. We strongly encourage you to use caution in disclosing any personal information online.

    Your individual profile will be visible to other people around the world, so be sure that you are comfortable sharing Your Content before you post. You acknowledge and agree that Your Content may be viewed by other users, and, notwithstanding these Terms, other users may share Your Content with third parties. By uploading Your Content, you represent and warrant to us that you have all necessary rights and licenses to do so and automatically grant us a license to use Your Content as provided under Section 7 below.

    We may provide tools and features to enhance individual expression through Your Content and Member Content (described in Section 3b), and we’re constantly developing new technologies to improve our Services. Certain tools or features may allow you to generate or enhance content based on Your Content. This is still Your Content, and you are responsible for it and its accuracy, as well as your use of it on our Services and any and all decisions made, actions taken, and failures to take action based on Your Content. Be careful in choosing and sharing Your Content.

    You understand and agree that we may monitor or review Your Content, and we have the right to remove, delete, edit, limit, or block or prevent access to any of Your Content at any time at our sole discretion. Furthermore, you understand and agree that we have no obligation to display or review Your Content.


    While you will have access to Member Content, it is not yours and you may not copy or use Member Content for any purpose except as contemplated by these Terms.

    Other users will also share content on our Services. Member Content belongs to the user who posted the content and is stored on our servers and displayed at the direction of that user.

    You should always carefully review and independently verify Member Content for accuracy. Other users may use tools to generate or enhance content based on the Member Content they provide.  Member Content may include biased, incorrect, harmful, offensive, or misleading information. Other users are responsible for their Member Content, as well as any and all decisions made, actions taken, and failures to take action based on their use of Member Content. 

    You do not have any rights in relation to Member Content, and, unless expressly authorized by BffSquare Personals, you may only use Member Content to the extent that your use is consistent with our Services' purpose of allowing us to communicate with and meet one another. You may not copy the Member Content or use Member Content for commercial purposes, to spam, to harass, or to make unlawful threats. We reserve the right to terminate your account if you misuse Member Content.


    BffSquare Personals owns or licenses all other content on our Services.

    Any other text, content, graphics, user interfaces, trademarks, logos, sounds, artwork, images, and other intellectual property appearing on our Services is owned, controlled or licensed by us and protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property law rights. All rights, title, and interest in and to Our Content remains with us at all times.

    We grant you a limited license to access and use Our Content as provided under Section 6 below, and we reserve all other rights.